We would like to hear from you about projects that you are working on in your area or ideas about how the ETEDD can better serve the region; please do not hesitate to reach out to Lynda – 903.218.6457 or Lynda.David@ETCOG.org.
As highlighted in the past, the ETEDD can help you find funding opportunities for City, EDC, or County initiatives, small businesses moving to the region, and non-profit industries. Below are some funding opportunities that are currently open or will be opening soon. Please take a look and reach out to us if you have a project and are looking for grant or loan funding sources.
If you haven’t worked with this loan program before, you may be pleasantly surprised at the terms. SBA 504 loans come in at historic low fixed rates for up to 25 years. This is a fantastic tool to help existing small businesses in your area refinance or consolidate debt, reduce debt service, and increase cash flow on fixed assets. In addition, it is excellent for assisting startups in getting a building and major equipment for their new business. Lastly, it is a helpful tool for companies looking to expand your city and finance that expansion.
Other organizations in the region also offer these loans, but we have the smallest application fees and servicing fees (we charge the minimum SBA allows). For more information, please call or email Chuck – 903.218.6411 or Chuck.Vanderbilt@ETCOG.org.
There are three funding opportunities from the Department of Commerce under NTIA:
Note; Broadband Infrastructure Deployment Grants has a deadline of August 17, 2021. For the next steps, it’s critical and highly recommended to attend a webinar to gain technical information on pursuing these funding opportunities: https://broadbandusa.ntia.doc.gov/events/latest-events.
The Texas Education Agency has partnered with Connected Nation to map broadband access and availability across the state. They will identify disadvantaged students who do not have access, bulk purchase technology for deployment across the state, and partner with school districts and local providers to fund and deliver service to those disadvantaged students. For more information about this program and learn about how your school can get involved, reach out to customersupport@TEAConnectTexas.com.
Under the American Rescue Plan, the $3 Billion was allocated to the Economic Development Administration. These funds can be used for infrastructure projects that can be directly tied to job creation or retention. They can be infrastructure upgrades in a business park, water or sewer upgrades, broadband infrastructure, and more. The Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) will be published by the end of the month on Grants.gov and EDA.gov. If you have any upcoming projects in mind, especially if you have new business prospects looking at properties with needed infrastructure upgrades, please reach out to our team here at ETCOG. We can assist you in determining if your project is eligible, gathering the necessary documentation for your application, applying for the grant, and administering the grant. These grants do require local matching funds. Call 903.218.6457 or email Lynda.David@ETCOG.org for more info.
The Annual Solid Waste Grant Program will begin accepting grant applications for solid-waste-related projects starting in August or September. Last year, the program had over $100,000 allocated to East Texas, which funded 19 projects in the 14-county region of ETCOG. These projects can include Community Collections Events, Natural Disaster Cleanup, Recycling Initiatives, Technical Studies, Educational Programs, Illegal Dumping Prevention, Trash Collection Stations, etc. Now is the time to start thinking about projects in your city or county that may be eligible for a Solid Waste Grant. Solid Waste Grants do not require any local matching funds. For more information, contact Lisa at Lisa.Smith@etcog.org or 903.218.6467.
USDA will award $15.3 million to Regional Food System Partnerships (RFSP) to fund public-private partnerships that build and strengthen the viability and resilience of local or regional food economies. Projects focus on increasing the availability of locally and regionally produced agricultural products and alleviating unnecessary administrative and technical barriers. Projects can cover the planning and design of a local and regional food economy and implement or expand an existing one. Applications for this program are due 7/6/21.
Applications undergo external expert peer review, and the process is highly competitive. In addition, all grants require matching funds from community partners or stakeholders. The amounts and match amounts vary by program and are specified in the RFAs.
For more information, visit the FMPP webpage, LFPP webpage, or RFSP webpage.