ETCOG, through its East Texas Economic Development District (ETEDD), has launched brand new online data tools to promote the region for business relocation and expansion and to support its Economic Development Corporation members. The easy-to-use tools make information, research, and analysis instantly accessible to community stakeholders, site selectors, realtors, and businesses making location decisions. Existing businesses can access a specialized portal with additional market intelligence to help them grow their companies.
"The benefits from the integration of ZoomProspector into our website are immeasurable. Critical data for our community is now easily available through our website, and the ability for us to paint a strong picture of our community is essential in our business attraction efforts," said Chuck Vanderbilt, Community and Economic Development Manager for ETCOG.
Paula Gentry, the ETEDD board chair, adds, "ZoomProspector is a critical tool for our organization to market East Texas to site selectors. ZoomProspector makes community information and data easily accessible to businesses considering East Texas and positions the ETEDD to be the first step in their location decision."
The mobile-friendly tools include ZoomProspector, the industry's leading online GIS location analysis tool, the Community Profile data infographic, and the interactive Demographic Intelligence Component. These represent the latest business intelligence tools, powered by GIS Planning, offering the gold standard in economic development software. These data tools allow businesses to search and analyze available commercial and industrial sites and buildings in order to choose the location that best fits their criteria and grow their companies. As site selectors or prospective investors assess possible locations, they can obtain the most accurate and up-to-date information on thousands of variables. Existing and potential prospects can research, analyze and export local and regional data on demographics, consumer spending, labor force, business, industry, infrastructure, and other GIS points of interest. Research can be easily exported, emailed, or shared on social media networks.
ETCOG has purchased licensing for each of the Economic Development Corporations in the region to have access to the tools and add properties to the site directly. Staff is in the process of rolling out the tools to all EDC members, and 70 properties have been added to date.